#Fridayfavorites “CANDY MOUNTAIN! … actually its the freezer section”

This week on #Fridayfavorites we attempt to make the trek to CANDY MOUNTAIN!! actually we’ve got some awesome stuff from our freezer section to keep you energized and ready to catch them all!

Just like everyone else in the world we have been obsessed with Pokemon Go! augmented reality games virtually came from nowhere and now seem to be the future of mobile gaming. If you haven’t tried Pokemon Go! you should give it a shot, even if you only play it once or twice it’s definitely worth the experience.

#Fridayfavorites “Fiesta!”

This week on #Fridayfavorites we’re excited to show you our favorite Fiesta foods! We absolutely love mexican food, its literally on our list of reason’s why California is amazing.

#Fridayfavorites “Dangerously Tasty Organic Food”

This week on #Fridayfavorites for David’s first solo #FF we’re bringing you some organic foods that you might find to be dangerously tasty. If you’re anything like us than we know you love to find new tasty foods to surprise your taste buds.
Pssst. if you like our videos shoot a comment our way, we’d love to chat with you about making our videos better or anything that we haven’t featured that you would like to see.

see ya next week!

#FridayFavorites “Dance Skills & Popsicles”

This week on Friday Favorites we show those of you lacking dance skills the next best way to be the coolest person at all the summer parties.

We love making jokes about this stuff, but you really want to make some popsicles here is a great recipes!


1 (3 ounce) Package of fruit flavored Jello mix
1 unsweetened, flavored soft drink mix
1 cup white sugar
2 cups boiling water
2 cups of cold water
Popsicle sticks

Prep time about 15 min

Dissolve gelatin, soft drink mix and sugar in boiling water. Stir in cold water and pour into popsicle molds or small plastic drinking cups. Add the popsicle sticks when firm but not frozen completely; freeze until hard.

We hope you enjoy your popsicles!

#FridayFavorites Tasty Recipe!

In this Fridays #FridayFavorites we show you how to make the worlds greatest dish of ALL TIME! not really, its pretty terrible.. but hey, we had some fun making this and we hope you have fun watching it.

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